May 6, 2011

Annual General Meeting May 28th

Hi all

It's time for the NSWHL's annual general meeting!

Date: Saturday, May 28
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
Where: Stadacona Gym meeting room at CFB Halifax Stadacona (bring ID to get past the front gate) map

Each NSWHL team must send one team rep. Individuals representing new teams interested in joining the league for 2011-12 are also welcome to attend. (New teams must indicate their interest in joining the league by August 15th.)

We have received notes from about a half a dozen people who have volunteered to help run the league. That's great! Please pass on to your teams by email that the league is looking for a few more hands to make the work lighter. Send an email to

Tentative agenda for AGM:

1. Call to order at 1:00 pm
2. Approval of minutes (provided by secretary)
3. Treasurer’s report
4. 1st VP report - scheduling issues
5. 2nd VP report - discipline issues
6. President’s report
7. Constitution revisions
8. New Teams discussion
9. Other business
- Statistics
- Atlantics
- Divisions
10. Election of 2011-12 Executive and Committee Creation

Positions may include the following:

Executive Roles:

1. President
2. 1st Vice President (Scheduling)
3. 2nd Vice President (Refs & Rules and Discipline)
4. Treasurer
5. Secretary
6. Member-at-Large (Registrar/HNS)
7. Member-at-Large (Chief Statistician)
8. Member-at-Large (Player Placement)
9. Member-at-Large (Playoffs and Sponsors)

Volunteer Positions: 10 positions

1. A Division Statistician
2. B Division Statistician
3. C Division Statistician
4. D Division Statistician
5. Playoff Organizing Committee member
6. Playoff Organizing Committee member
7. Player Placement Committee member A division
8. Player Placement Committee member B division
9. Player Placement Committee member C division
10. Player Placement Committee member D division