April 2, 2011

Formation Halifax Mariners win Military Nationals

This photo was taken in Ontario right after the Formation Halifax Mariners won the Military Nationals. Mariners were Team Atlantic and played four other Regions: Pacific / Prairie Provinces / Ontario & Quebec. They went through the round robin with 3 wins & one tie. The one tie was against Team Quebec with a 1-1 score; out shooting them 31-8. Then they faced Team Pacific in the Semi's & easily defeated them 9-0, with Quebec beating Ontario 5-3 in the other game this meant they had to play once again Quebec in the final match. Mariners were simply too strong for Quebec in that final game soundly defeating them 6-1 and once again bringing home the Gold & the National Title once again. They placed four players in the All-Star Team / Dawn MacAuley / Kirsten Lindstol / Brigitte Delisle & Heather Gillespy. It was a great experience playing Teams at the National level and it proves that our Nova Scotia Women's Hockey League is instrumental in the development of players of all levels and prepares them for competitions of this level.